Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Problems Of Just Starting Out

You have to know that you'll be looked upon differently by society. You'll be a man doing a "woman's job" and people will question everything from your sexuality to you trying to "live off your wife". So if you aren't sure enough of who you are and your new place in the world you shouldn't start this. So if you do and you aren't squared away you'll likely fail and the consequences can be tragic.

I can't tell you how many times someone has told me that some day I was going to make someone a good wife.
It's the crap like that She'll notice and it's the crap like that that'll test you and who you think you are.

More importantly though, those little comments won't be lost on your wife. You have to remember the knight in shining armor crap your going to have to live with and prepare for.

You'll also have to remember she won't want you to be an embarrassment to her either.... Like anyone, she'll want to be proud of her spouse. She may even defend you by telling people what an accomplished person you are and what a sacrifice you're making by staying at home, but eventually those comments will wear on her...

Unfortunately you can also depend on her friends, her family, her co-workers and just about every one else asking her why she's letting you "live off her". Eventually those comments will breed doubts and even contempt if you don't do something about it first.

Look at this from her perspective. She's been hearing things like this for a long time and she's been doing her best to defend you. Every once in a while though she'll be tired too from a long day at work, and maybe she'll come home and find you taking a nap or Gawd forbid watching T.V.?
What'll happen then? I'll tell you what, she'll start to imagine you spending all day watching T.V. and she'll do the natural thing, she'll start to resent your "easy life".

What she may have forgotten or maybe not even understand from the beginning was how you may have been up since 6 am getting the kids ready for school.... after also being up half the night with a sick baby or maybe just the sleep deprivation of having to get up every two to three hours for bottle feeding and diaper changing.... While she quietly slept so she could function at work.

This isn't usually an intentional or malevolent thing, I think it's just human nature.... Which in many ways makes it harder to guard against.

Now this may all seem incredibly cynical, and you may say "that will never happen to me" because you love one another. after all and at this point you would probably trust her with your life.
Well you guessed it Bud because that's exactly what you're doing. Maybe not now, but eventually as you become settled into your new life, you're likely to start making the mistake of becoming more and more dependent on Her.

BUT PEOPLE CHANGE and NOTHING IS FOREVER not even your love if you're not careful.

Your going to change as you go through this, and I can guarantee you she's going to change too. Some things are going to be for the better but some may not, and that's what you have to be prepared for because it eventuality happens to everyone.

You have to remember that almost half of all marriages in America end in failure and you don't want yours to be one of those so listen up my friend.